Philip (Phill, Phillian)

Things we forgot: -Headphones -Nursing Bra -Slip-on shoes for me -Advil for me -My deodorant -Enough underwear -Enough Socks -Extra pj bottoms -A nursing top for me But probably more things we brought but won't need. Yesterday Shelly and I had a long conversation about whether or not she should get her covid vaccine before or after Philip was born. She was worried the second one might result in a fever that would interrupt her plan to have natural labor. We decided to do it the next day and did a tarot reading for more insight. The tarot deck basically said, "Choose whatever you want, it won't matter anyway." We didn't get the joke until the next day when Shelly's water broke. Day 0: Shelly woke up at 6:30am and thought maybe her water was leaking just a little bit, we weren't sure so we went about our day as normal. She had a couple more small leaks and we drove out for the vaccine. When we got home around 10:30am, I headed back to work and around 12pm ...