Sept 24, 2020 "I want a snaaaaack"
A Day in the Life
5:45AM-7:00AM - Lily wakes up complaining of a wet diaper and Shelly and I trade off who gets up and who sleeps in for the morning. If we're lucky Lily will go back down after she gets a fresh diaper and Milo will stay in bed too. Sometimes we even get until 7:00AM before one or the other of the kids insists it's morning and time to get out of bed. (The other day, I got up at 6:15AM and had a blessed 30 minutes to myself to drink my coffee and relax before the kids decided it was time to get up).
7:00-8:45 - Shelly or I sleep in and the other gets breakfast for the kids and makes coffee
8:45AM-9:00AM - I get ready for work and Shelly prepares to spend the day with the kids (usually by drinking her coffee and working on her current autumn-themed puzzle.
10:00AM - Lily insists on taking her morning nap. She can ask for it by name but usually just reaches up towards the stairs to indicate she's ready.
12:00PM - I take my lunch break. If it was my morning to get up early with the kids then I get to have my lunch break to myself upstairs. If it was Shelly's morning then I make the kids lunch and hang out with them to give Shelly an hour to herself.
1:00PM-5:00PM - I finish my work for the day while Shelly does any housework she has on her list and makes the kids dinner (if she gets to it, otherwise I do dinner when I am done with work).
5:00PM-6:00PM - I finish up dinner with the kids while Shelly does a final clean of the living room (kids won't be playing there anymore so it's a good time for it) and then Shelly takes Lily and puts her in bed while I take Milo and put him in bed.
6:00PM-7:30PM - The kids play in bed by themselves while Shelly and I make and eat our dinner together.
7:30PM - Kids are usually asleep by now though sometimes one or the other will stay up until 8ish instead.
9:00PM - Shelly and I wrap up our evening and head to bed (ok ok, 9PM is the goal but often it's accidentally 10PM or 11PM instead).
Milo dressed a "mommy skeleton" - also his chosen Halloween costume
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