Dieta and Ceremony Prep Journal
Dieta Day 2: This is really like day one since yesterday I had the kids and did not have much time for self reflection or to plan/prepare meals. The day went well yesterday - I'd already thoughtfully weened myself off coffee so I didn't have a headache or low energy. The only big difference yesterday was I chose not to watch any tiktok videos or tv and instead spent my time quietly when possible. Meals were mostly eggs and veggies and fruit. I made myself a nice salad for dinner with beans and eggs and oil/lemon/salt seasoning. It was bland but edible - I at half and put the other half in the fridge for later. Today was my first day with time to myself - I got the kids all packed up in the car early and we did a dump run with some extra trash that couldn't fit in the bin and then vacuumed the car and drove through a car wash to kill time. We got home just in time for Shelly to hop in the car (with the lunches and snacks I'd prepacked the kiddos) and take them out for t...